
Cladogram-orama: Dinosaur Cladogram/Family Tree from Memory

I feel like trying to reproduce a cladogram of dinosaurs from memory.

And, as always, when I say dinosaurs, I really mean just theropods. Because, really, who gives a shit about the other kinds? They're all dead.

|  |--+--Guaibasaurids
|  |  `--Sauropodomorphs
|  |     |--Prosauropods
|  |     |  |--Massospondylids
|  |     |  `--+--Plateosaurids
|  |     |     `--Riojasaurids
|  |     `--Sauropods
|  |        |--Vulcanodontids
|  |        |--Melanorosaurids
|  |        |--Cetiosaurids
|  |        |--crackets, there was another one i'm forgetting
|  |        `--Neosauropods (or Eu, I confuse these)
|  |           |--Mamenchisaurids
|  |           |--Omeisaurids
|  |           `--Eusauropods (likewise, might be Neo)
|  |              |--Diplodocids
|  |              |--Dicraeosaurids
|  |              |--Rebbachisaurids
|  |              `--Macronarians
|  |                 |--Camarasaurids
|  |                 |--Brachiosaurids
|  |                 `--Titanosauriformes (from here it gets ridiculous)
|  `--+--Herrerasaurids (I've been over this)
|     `--THEROPODS
|        |--Coelophysids
|        `--Averostans
|           |--Ceratosaurians
|           |  |--Ceratosaurids
|           |  |--Limusaurids (he deserves his own group)
|           |  `--Abelisaurians
|           |     |--Abelisaurids
|           |     `--Noasaurids
|           `--Tetanurines
|              |--Spinosauroids
|              |  |--Megalosaurids
|              |  `--Spinosaurids
|              `--Avetheropods
|                 |--Carnosaurs (synonymous with Allosaurian or Allosauroid)
|                 |  |--Allosaurids
|                 |  |--Sinraptorids
|                 |  |--Neovenatorids
|                 |  `--Carcharodontosaurids
|                 `--Coelurosaurs
|                    |--Compsognathids
|                    |--Tyrannosauroids
|                    |  |--Tyrannosaurids
|                    |  `--Dyrosaurids, right? Laelaps goes here.
|                    |--Ornithomimosaurids (in Maniraptoriformes?)
|                    `--Maniraptors
|                       |--Alvarezsaurids (thank god for Haplocheirus)
|                       |--+--Therizinosaurids
|                       |  `--Oviraptorids
|                       `--Paraves (polyphyletic raptors)
|                          |--Deinonychosaurs
|                          |  |--Dromaeosaurids
|                          |  |  |--Microraptorines
|                          |  |  |--Velociraptorines (Balaur goes here)
|                          |  |  |--Dromaeosaurines
|                          |  |  |--I'm forgetting one
|                          |  |  `--Sinornithosaurids
|                          |  `--Troodontids
|                          `--Avialians (does NOT mean "birds")
|                             |--Scansoriopterygids
|                             `--Pygostylians
|                                |--Confuciusornithes
|                                `--Ornithoraces
|                                   |--Enantiornithes (too many sub-groups)
|                                   |--Yanornithes? Is that a thing?
|                                   `--Ornithurines
|                                      |--Hesperornithes
|                                      `--Aves (just put Ichthy here, dammit!)
|                                         |--Paleognaths
|                                         |  |--Lithornithiformes
|                                         |  |--Struthioniformes
|                                         |  `--+--T-something
|                                         |     `--Ratites
|                                         |        |--+--+--Apterygiformes
|                                         |        |  |  `--Dinornithiformes
|                                         |        |  `--Aepyornithiformes
|                                         |        `--Casuariformes (switched?)
|                                         `--Neognaths
|                                            |--Galloanserines
|                                            |  |--Gastornithiformes
|                                            |  |--Anseriformes
|                                            |  |  |--Presbyornithids
|                                            |  |  |--Anhingids
|                                            |  |  |--Anatids
|                                            |  |  |--Anseranatids
|                                            |  |  |--Brontornids
|                                            |  |  `--Dromornithids
|                                            |  `--Galliformes
|                                            `--Neoaves
|                                               |--Metaves
|                                               |  |--Opisthocomiformes
|                                               |  |--?--Columbiformes
|                                               |  |  `--Pteroclodiformes
|                                               |  |--Phaethoniformes
|                                               |  |--Mirandornithes
|                                               |  |  |--Phoenicopterygiformes
|                                               |  |  `--Podicepiformes
|                                               |  |--Mesitornithomorphs
|                                               |  |  |--Aptornithiformes
|                                               |  |  |--Rhynchochetiformes
|                                               |  |  |--Eurypygiformes
|                                               |  |  `--Did I miss any?
|                                               |  `--Cypselomorphs
|                                               |     |(Forgot all of the
|                                               |     |structure. Hummingbirds,
|                                               |     |Swifts, whichever one
|                                               |     |Apodiformes is, Nightjars/
|                                               |     |Caprimulgiformes, and
|                                               |     |junk, with Daedlornithes
|                                               |     |being most basal.)
|                                               `--Coronaves
|                                                  |--Gruimorphs
|                                                  |  |--Gruiformes
|                                                  |  `--Waterbirds, out of room
|                                                  `-Charadrimorphs
|                                                    |--Charadriformes
|                                                    |  |--Lari (gulls)
|                                                    |  |--Jacanas
|                                                    |  `--too damn many
|                                                    `--Terrestrores (from Holtz)
|                                                       `--no room for all these
      |  |--Stegosaurids
      |  `--Ankylosaurians
      |     |--Polacanthids
      |     `--Ankylosaurids
         |  `--a shitload of endless branching synonymous sub-groups
         |     |--Hadrosaurines
         |     `--Lambeosaurines
               `--no fucking idea, don't care.

How did I do? I'll score myself one of these days, maybe latter today or tomorrow. If not, probably never.


  1. Not bad, not bad, but Dyrosauridae is a croc group. I think that's the only main problem I see.

    More minor issues:
    I don't think there's a Sinornithosauridae. You're probably thinking of Saurornitholestinae. And the dromaeosaurid group you forgot is Unenlagiinae.

    Therizinosaurs and oviraptorosaurs no longer group together; therizinosaurs are more basal.

    Megalosauroidea takes precendence over "Spinosauroidea".

    I can't say anything about sauropodomorphs or ornithischians from the top of my head, but you probably couldn't care less about them.

  2. Yeah, what is that other Tyrannosauroid group? I was thinking I know Dryosaurus is an ornithischian, but I was pretty sure Dyro was the crocs too... I just remember Laelaps, so it's sort of confusing to me.

    I WAS thinking of Saurornitholestines. My bad. And the unenlagiines. They used to be my favorite (Rahonavis), I forget crap quickly I guess.

    Thanks for the update on therz, I wasn't paying attention when that happened, I guess.

    I'm not touching the spinosaur/megalosaur thing with a 10 foot pole, I'm still counting that right.

    And yeah, I don't care so much about non-theropods. Thanks for the corrections. It's not like I would've gone "hey, I'm going to plan out when I write another entry where I bother to plot out all my mistakes."

    This works better. So how bad did I screw up Metaves?

  3. Is it Dryptosauridae? I'm sure that's monotypic, however.

    I wouldn't bother too much with the Megalosauroidea thing, either, taxonomy is scary if you get too close.

    Metaves? Haven't looked at an up-to-date neornithine phylogeny in ages, sorry.

  4. Yeah, thats what I was thinking of. Last time I checked it was just Lael... whoops, Dryptosaurus, but I don't know any other way Tyrannosauroids are divided up. I don't even know whats in there now.

    But then, they're dead, so who cares.

    Birds have been pretty stable since... like, 2004 to 2006 or something. There was this giant genome sampling for Neoaves and the whole thing is pretty sorted out. It's awesome, you should check it out.

    PLUS Paleognaths are pretty much done, and it looks like they lost flight three or so times. The T was for Tinamiformes, and I forgot Rheiformes, which are more basal than Casuariformes but more derived than Tinamiformes. Ratites hasn't really been fixed to exclude ostriches yet, though, so that's isn't right either.
